Kashid Beach :
Kashid is popular mainly because of its white sand, blue seas, green mountains, paddy fields, and rivulets. Kashid has a 3 km stretch of beach tucked in between two rocky hillocks with Casuarinas groves all around the seashore.This is by far the best beach in this part of the Konkan region and though absolutely deserted onweekdays,the town can attract its fair share of week-end holiday makers. There are a few small hotels in Kashid as the rest of the area is privately owned.The waves here are unusually high and can be paradise for surfing. The waves can reach a height 5-6 feet even during the non-monsoon months. However it is dangerously high during the monsoons and surfing is not recommended during the months of June to September. After Kashid beach proceed to see Janjira Fort
Janjira Fort
Janjira is the local name for a fort situated at the coastal village of Murud , in the Raigad district of Maharashtra,India.It is famous for being the only fort along India's western coast that remained undefeated despite Maratha, Dutch and English East India Company attacks.The word Janjira is not native to India,and may have originated after the Arabic word Jazeera, which means an island.Similarly,the Marathi word Habshi is thought to be a corruption of Abyssinian. Murud was once known in Marathi as Habsan, or Abyssinian's land. Formerly the capital town of the Siddis of Janjira, Murud is today popular for its alluring beach,whispering casurina, coconut and betel palms and an ancient fort. On a hillock to the north is the shrine of Lord Dattatreya, the three heads representing Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara.